The trip to Bologna was better than we expected.
Leaving aside the individual category wins in tournaments where we got the "usual" coupled Bellotti / Palmieri nell'U15 and Brescia / Guercia in women, we record two debuts: Mark Preziuso nell'U12 and sister Martina Ladies in the tournament.
The biggest news is in the team tournament where we record the best finish in an international tournament: after the first round, stopping only at the barrages against the wall CCT Roma have a strong starting lineup.
in the group, we win the game against Modena 2-1 (wins Piscopo and Max Bellotti Mattia Bellotti defeat and daring to draw 3-3 against Guercia of Gennaro Preziuso), which allows us to go through.
lose the second game against Milan with a 4-0 final. Match of the barrage we have already said.
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